Pre-Sale! Job listings are 50% off until 8/1/23

Grow your team with purpose

Handprint is a conscious career platform that helps companies get discovered by values-aligned talent and build diverse, engaged teams.

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Hiring for the next economy

We're building an end-to-end hiring platform for companies committed to using business as a force for good. Create your free company profile now to tap into our community of highly skilled, purpose-driven talent when we launch opportunity listings this Spring, 2023.

Tell your company's unique story

Introduce your company to job seekers and let them know why it's a great place to work.

Our holistic profiles tell your company's story through the lens of purpose and connect you with talent who will help you achieve your mission.

example talent profile page

Communicate your impact to talent through a common lens

Handprint is here to support the transition to a just, regenerative, inclusive economy that works for all. We partnered with the U.N. to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and help you connect with talent who share your vision for a better world.

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-Being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  10. Reduce Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships for the Goals

Learn more about the Impact Goals.

An innovative hiring ecosystem

A great team can create magic... but attracting and hiring the right people can be daunting and time consuming. Handprint is here to change that. We believe that assembling a kick-ass team should feel like an opportunity, not a burden. We’re designing tools to help you from start to finish. Here are a few current and future features to look forward to throughout 2023:

  • Talent Profiles

    Browse talent profiles, search for qualified candidates, and save your top picks.

  • Job Listings
    (Coming Soon)

    We make it easy to create robust, transparent listings tied to your company profile.

  • Matching Algorithm
    (Coming Soon)

    Get matched with qualified talent who share your values and support your mission.

  • Fair Hire Filter

    Hide candidate identity information to mitigate bias in the screening process.

  • Screening Tools
    (Coming Soon)

    Review applications, score candidates, and organize your screening process.

  • Built-In Messaging
    (Coming Soon)

    Connect seamlessly with talent and keep track of your communications.

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Need to hire now?

Every company has different needs when it comes to hiring. Our team of recruiment and branding experts get to know each of our clients and create a custom hiring experience that's easy and painless. We're here to support you, whether you just need some initial guidance, or are looking for an all-in-one service to take care of your hiring and onboarding needs.

Purpose in the Field

Dig into our collection of articles, podcast episodes, book reviews, videos, and courses to help guide you on your path to purpose.